I've been looking at lot at book art in all it's wierd and wonderful forms, from sculpture to binding and so on. These amazing sculptural books are by an artist called Su Blackwell. I really like the use of found illustration and lights in the different pieces.

This was a product design exhibition I saw in Madrid. The way they displayed their research really made me think about book art and linear progression of ideas. Here are a few examples:

Just been sorting out my emails and I noticed a link to an artist book page which I'd long since forgotten about. The guy is called Michael Jacobs and his site is The Creative Zone. Lots of examples and ideas for books incorporating different media and even kinetic sculpture.

I've been looking through books from the LCAD library and decided to make a list of bookbinding techniques to remind myself. So here goes:

* Hidden book (centre slit)
* Simple accordion (side slit)
* Simple accordion with tunnel
* Accordion in a matchbox
* Inverted accordion
* (Interwoven) slit accordian
* Slot and tab book
* Pamphlet stitch
* Japanese stab binding
* Tea bag book
* Flower fold (concertina)
* Flutter book
* Tunnel book
* Pocket book
* Flag book
* Piano hinge
* Western codex
* Exposed stitch
* Buttonhole binding
* (Elongated) coptic stitch
* Jacob's Ladder
* Pocket folder
* Paper portfolio
* Covered slipcase
* Hardcover portfolio with envelope
* Postcard portfolio
* Clamshell box
* Interstate highway book
* Dos-a-dos
* Tacket binding
* Wrapped signatures
* Recessed skewer binding

More book art examples from an altered books directory I found in the library:

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